Refine and Rejuvenate
Facelifting in its various forms has been performed for over a hundred years. During that time, advances in the knowledge of anatomy and improvement in surgical techniques as well as a better understanding of the changes involved in aging has made the face lift operation one of the mainstays of facial rejuvenation.
If you are concerned about jowling and laxity of neck skin or flatness of the cheeks caused by descent of the facial skin then there is a good possibility that a face lift might be the procedure recommended to correct these issues.
There are many variations of face lifting used by different surgeons and some techniques treat different problems with better results then others. Since each person is unique, there may be one or more options provided by Dr. Harrell to correct your concerns. To discuss these options, please call our office in the Miami area at (954) 526-0066 today.
Dr. Harrell's Qualifications with Facial Plastic Surgery
Weston facelift surgeon Dr. Harrell is an accomplished plastic surgeon and has performed a number of different face lift techniques during his career. These range from limited incision lifting to full incision and include deep plane lifting as well as the more traditional SMAS technique. As a surgeon trained and certified by both the American Board of Otolaryngology and Plastic Surgery, he has had extensive training in surgery of the facial structures, including facelifting. Because of his superior artistic skills he is a master of in depth evaluation of each patient's unique characteristics and can help you find the right procedure to help you have an exceptional result.
The Face Lift Consultation
Many times patients desiring a face lift also benefit from eyelid surgery, and occasionally derive improvement from facial augmentation as well. Dr. Harrell will typically present his patients with a palette of choices but it is ultimately each individual that will determine which procedure or group of procedures suits them the best.
During the consultation, Dr. Harrell will determine your concerns and evaluate your bone structure, the characteristics of your skin and the location of excess fat and areas that are deficient in fat. He may point additional procedures that will enhance the facelift such as eyelid surgery, forehead lifting and possibly chin or cheek augmentation. The pros and cons of each procedure will be discussed and a description of all potential risks and complications will be covered.
If you are in good health, a non-smoker and are able to follow pre and post operative instructions properly then complications will be rare. Learn more about the many Benefits of Face Lift Surgery.

The Facelift Surgery Procedure
A facelift is usually performed as an outpatient procedure. It can last from 2 to 4 hours depending on what types of procedures are being performed. It is usually performed under general anesthesia or IV sedation. You will then stay in recovery for about an hour after the surgery and then be released into the care of a responsible adult. You are allowed to be up and able to perform 'light' activities. You will sleep with your head elevated for several days to a week. Usually aerobic or strenuous activity can be resumed by the third week after surgery although this will vary from patient to patient.
Bruising is usually minimal but there will be some yellowish discoloration for several weeks after surgery. This can usually be camouflaged with make up if necessary. There may be some temporary decrease in sensation over the cheeks in front of the ears. Most hair styles hide the otherwise inconspicuous incisions while they heal.
Discomfort is minimal to moderate, again depending on the type of procedure and any other additional procedures. Pain medications are prescribed and all patients should be reasonably comfortable during the early days after their procedure. In addition, antibiotics are usually prescribed for prophylaxis after surgery.
Patients are typically seen several times during the first week after surgery and are followed for about 3-6 months depending on each patient's progress.
Face Lift Summary
Facelifting is the cornerstone of surgical facial rejuvenation and provides good candidates with a refreshed, natural appearance while concealing incisions inconspicuously. Most patients return to presurgical activities within several weeks and can expect results to last form 5-10 years depending upon their unique anatomy and genetic makeup. Dr. Harrell and his staff would be delighted to see you and help you to attain your goals in facial rejuvenation.
Contact our office through the appointment button below or by calling (954) 526-0066 to see if you are a good candidate for the face lift procedure or other facial plastic surgery options. We are ready to help you look your best.