Can Liposuction Remove Visceral Fat?

Plastic Surgery in Weston, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Plantation and Davie, Florida


*Individual results may vary.

Liposuction removes subcutaneous fat. Visceral fat can only be eliminated through diet and exercise. In the Miami area, call plastic surgeon Dr. Jon Harrell at 954-526-0066 to learn moreGenerally speaking, there are two types of fat found in your body:

  • Subcutaneous fat
  • Visceral fat

Subcutaneous fat lies just underneath the skin and comprises approximately 80% of your body fat. Visceral fat surrounds the organs and, while it is not as easily seen, contributes to serious health concerns such as obesity and increases risks for heart attack, type 2 diabetes, and other potentially fatal conditions.

Liposuction addresses subcutaneous fat. Through liposuction, Weston plastic surgeon Dr. Jon Harrell can eliminate bulging, lumpy, uneven fat deposits to produce a slim and toned appearance. Liposuction cannot, however, eliminate visceral fat. For this, diet and exercise are the only solutions.

We have found that many of our patients are able to engage more fully in the types of advanced exercises that target visceral fat after they have undergone liposuction. Because it removes stubborn fat deposits, liposuction can assist in body movement, reduce fatigue, and provide visual encouragement to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Subcutaneous fat is what makes you look over weight. Its initial removal can provide motivation to work at keeping it off and help you commit to a healthier and more rewarding lifestyle.

How to Eliminate Visceral Fat

The best ways to target and eliminate visceral fat through diet include:

  • Choosing vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates for meals and snacks
  • Avoiding processed foods, sugar, and alcohol
  • Drinking plenty of water throughout the day
  • Consuming two to three cups of green or oolong tea daily

Exercise is essential as well for the removal of dangerous visceral fat. You should aim for at least 90 minutes of moderate to strenuous exercise weekly and 30 minutes as a minimum of daily effort. Good daily options include:

  • Walking
  • Swimming
  • Yoga
  • Pilates

More advanced options such as interval training can be very useful as well. It is never a bad idea to work with a personal trainer when developing a routine to ensure your safety and help improve the effectiveness of your workouts.

Liposuction can act as a springboard for a healthier you, but it cannot prevent the diseases linked to visceral fat. During your time in our care we can discuss this in greater detail to help ensure you have the tools you will need to make the most out of your body contouring procedure.

For more information about liposuction in the Miami area, please contact the Weston Center for Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery today.
